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Case Study: iAd Personalization Engine- Apple was looking to provide improved targeting and personalization capabilities within their advertising platform

AI Solution


iAd Personalization Engine


Apple was looking to provide improved targeting and personalization capabilities within their advertising platform. The challenge asks how might we apply modern machine learning techniques to improve personalization accuracy, netting higher conversions from advertising.


Built an ensemble model leveraging historical user behavioral data.


300% increase in conversion rate for recommended applications.

Machine Learning
Including Neural Networks
Stochastic Hill Climbing
Genetics Algorithms

iAd Personalization Engine


Apple was looking to provide improved targeting and personalization capabilities within their advertising platform. The challenge asks how might we apply modern machine learning techniques to improve personalization accuracy, netting higher conversions from advertising.


Built an ensemble model leveraging historical user behavioral data.


300% increase in conversion rate for recommended applications.

Machine Learning
Including Neural Networks
Stochastic Hill Climbing
Genetics Algorithms

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